Communicating with California's Spanish-Speaking Populations During Emergencies
Subervi-Velez, F.A.; Denney, M.; Ozuna, A.; Quintero, C.; Palerm, J.
California Policy Seminar
November 12, 1992
Spanish-languageb roadcast media are major institutions that can play an important role in improving relations between the California government and the state's growing Spanish-speakingp opulations. This study, which began in August 1989, focused primarily on emergencies and emergency communications. The three major goals were to: (1) establish an informational system of Spanish-languagem edia in California; (2) assessth e status of existing linkages between the state and the Spanish-languagem edia for dealing with emergencies; and (3) recommend ways to improve the state's ability to use Latino-oriented media to communicate with Latinos regarding policy concerns.